NBC Goes Green

Last year, NBC whooped it up for November sweeps and took advantage of eco-consciousness and went green. For a week. The Today Show did a great job with their stories on the state of the environment and tips on going green, but the rest of green week was a joke. The now-defunct Journeyman went green when Katie asked her husband Dan to take the recycling out. The Biggest Loser held a challenge involving soda cans. Way to change America!

Now it seems NBC is doing it again - during November sweeps, no less. Today is going to the "Ends of the Earth" to explain what's changed in the last year.  I'm looking forward to it. I think they're going to offer a lot of great information. I'm just waiting to see how my favorite shows will claim to be green. For one night.

If NBC wanted to make a real impact, they'd do more than be green for one week. Green would become as natural as product placement. Every character should recycle. Every TV family should own a hybrid. Live it instead of using it as a gimmick. We see right through your green peacock. A little environmental awareness is better than nothing, but for a powerhouse like NBC, a week isn't enough.


Every family should own a hybrid??

Every family that is able to reduce their car use or eliminate a car should do this first. Considering that 50% of the environmental impact of the automobile is before and after it's on the roadways. It's estimated that 27 tons of waste is produced to make one car. It makes more sense to use our existing cars more wisely rather then create more waste in producing these "green" cars and then disposing of our greenless cars in a pit. And hybrids don't make safer kinder streets, people in hybrids don't speed less or even drive less. Yes less air pollution, but it's just another feel good excuse to keep transporting ourselves in the same unsustainable manner.

It would be nice to see television shows that promote bicycling, it would be even better to see a site called bicyclecity.com do the same.