Gas Prices Falling, So Will Driving Increase?

Gas prices have fallen 18% since July 17, welcome news in turbulent economic times. But as gas prices have climbed over the last year, driving has decreased. People's eco-consciousness has awakened. But will we forget now that gas isn't upwards of $4 per gallon? Will we see savings in gas and relax our newly developed driving habits?

Let's hope not. Remember, conserving gas isn't just about saving a few dollars. It's about being aware of our waste, aware of the time we spend in a car. 

How about you? Now that gas prices have gone down a bit, will you drive more? 


Even with the lower gas prices we are still buying bus passes and using that for primary transportation. We also try to have a rule where we don't use the car unless we have 3 things to get done on that day to at least plan out our trips. Unfortunately we do not have any bicycles but that may be a future purchase

Nice post. Gas price has dramatically go down in the last few months to the point that people always keep their engine running. Driving trend was increasing because of the lower and affordable method of travel. Many people who started using public transportation to save money are still using it. I guess they just got used to it. I know it would be tough for me to go from taking the bus back to sitting in traffic and spending hours looking for parking. Americans are driving less and less, even with the lower prices, so the transportation commission is considering a hike in gas taxes. The money from gas taxes is needed to fund road construction and repair, and the current amount being collected from gas taxes is apparently not enough. Check out this article for more about payday loans and how gas prices have affected the country.